Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Click 3

A good day of photography today. My aunt left for her city and i had to drop her to the railway station early in the morning and thats exactly what i wanted. Trains and railway station have been my one of my favorite subjects of photos. I carried my camera along and started my day after buying the ticket. It was a wonderful light condition today morning and i could click with at a good shutter speed and varying aperture.Clicked some pictures of some sign boards and platform objects.Not to mention the trains,clicked some good pics of them too. The one i liked the most was of a kid peeping through a window.His expression was priceless and the picture looked great in black and white. But if you are clicking pictures in the railway station,be little careful about the police there,cause one cop came up to me and asked if i had permission to click pictures.Dunno what made me say that,i just said and he walked away.Lucky i consider myself,but do not take much chances,stay careful,take care of your precious cameras.

Later in the evening,it was the play of light and the clouds.The combination looked marvelous and i could not stop looking at it and click pictures at every possible angles.Stood there till both light and clouds bid goodbye to each other and to me. So,it was a very good day of clicking.

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