Thursday, June 4, 2009

Click 4

Surreal!! It was the best evening sky that i captured in my camera till date. The clouds and the lighting was so superb that it looked like straight out of a Hollywood sci-fi movie.I was thinking in the evening that i hadn't done any shoot today and just at that moment the nature threw up this marvelous painting in the sky that i could never miss clicking. I thoroughly loved capturing every moment of it and what an evening it was! Clicked most of the shots in 'vivid' mode and i have not done any post processing in Photoshop for some of the pictures below. straight from nature,to you.Enjoy!

[Please check out my flcikr photostream for a better view]


  1. amazing pictures!!! hey there was a rainbow ths eve.. din u catch tat in ur lens??

  2. if my in built lens would've caught the rainbow,my artificial lens would surely have captured it :( sadly i missed that
